Other Early Foxes Have A Little More Room On the Board Print
Written by FEP Admin   
Monday, 14 April 2008 12:26
Our 'Other Early Foxes ' area has expanded a bit, separating general discussion about the cars from the wrenching and repair oriented tech topics.  While these cars and their owners are welcome on all parts of the board, this is an area for topics specific to the non-Mustang/Capri Foxes.  So, if you own any of the non-Mustang/Capri Foxes: 78-83 Fairmont & Zephyr, 83-86 LTD & Marquis, 80-88 Thunderbird & Cougar, 82-87 Continental, 84-92 Mark VII, 81-82 Granada, feel free to join the board and join in the discussion.   
Last Updated on Monday, 14 April 2008 22:43